
Scott Radke
Our visual designer, check out his work!

Mark Kmit
"Musician, mime, dancer, butoh-boy" here's his own recorded compositions.

Mike Jantz
Singer Songwriter has performed percussion and vocals with Morrisondance.

Ohio Dance
everything dance in Ohio- a fantastic resource!

NorthEast Ohio Performing Arts List
A FANTASTIC resource for all things performing arts - auditions, jobs, opportunities, and more!

Community Partnership for Arts and Culture
Stay up to date with Northeast Ohio's Culture Plan

Ohio City
A neighborhood in the middle of revitalization - this is the home of our studio

Artists of Cleveland
offering artists, musicians, and all performers a professional presentation of their work for marketing purposes.

Online multi-disciplinary directory


GlenDennis Bed & Breakfast
Delightful and affordable accomodations in the heart of Cleveland's Ohio City

Our next door neighborhood community - a great area, make sure to check out the Tremont artwalk on the 2nd Friday of every month.

Bad Epitaph Theater
A very cool theater company based in our fair city of Cleveland...and what a great name...

Cleveland Public Theatre
Clevelands oldest standing theatre, showing Cleveland's newest work.

Beck Center for the Arts
MorrisonDance participates in their dance education and outreach.

Dance Cleveland
Presenting national and international dance companies on Cleveland stages.

Cleveland Repertory Project

Dancing Wheels

Groundworks Dance Theater

Tom and Susana Evert Dance Theatre

Safmod Performance Ensemble
Sub Atomic Frequency Modulation Overdose


Duende Dance
An Atlanta-based dance company, directed by Amanda Exley Lower

Case Western Reserve University Dance Program
Sarah Morrison studied with Kelly Holt & Kathryn Karipides, new directors are Karen Potter and Gary Galbraith.

Cleveland State University Dance Program

Kent State University School of Theater and Dance
Morrisondance has set work on the kent state dance ensomble.

University of Akron Dance Program

Cleveland Institute of Music

Body Technic Systems (R)

Isadora Duncan



Puffin Foundation
Supporterof individual artists! Helped us with the presentation of Erie Sirens, before we incoporated.



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